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Podcast "Unlocking Agile

Happy customers. Empowered teams. Delivering value fast.
It’s time to unlock the power of Agile for your team and organization.

Unlocking Agile Podcast by Scrum Inc. Logo

What To Expect

Experts, authors, changemakers, case studies, and real-world ways to ensure Agile works for your organization. Each episode examines a specific topic and the practical steps you can take to achieve better results starting now. After all, what’s the point of business agility if it doesn’t lead to better results.

From proven patterns for success to leadership, scaling, metrics, empowerment, change management, and product structure, Unlocking Agile gives you the keys to innovate, adapt, and thrive.

Latest Episode

16. Creating an Agile Ecosystem with Saraounia Mboka-Boyer

Agile isn’t something you do, it’s a way of being.  And when we have enabling environments that support this vision,  true change can happen.  In this episode of Unlocking Agile, Bobby talks with Saraounia Mboka-Boyer on the importance of creating an agile ecosystem at the enterprise level at the very beginning of any transformation.

Episode 16    |    23 min

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Released every #transformationTuesday

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Meet Your Host

Bobby Woods

Bobby Woods

Enterprise Agile Consultant, Scrum Inc.

About Robert ‘Bobby’ Woods: Bobby started his journey supporting ITSM environments and Systems Engineering. He specializes in pragmatic and practical application of Agile concepts as a holistic approach to company-wide agility. Bobby is an international speaker, coach, podcaster, and author on topics ranging from Business Agility, Leadership, and Team Facilitation to Agile Security and Iterative Change Management.

Prendre contact

Have an idea for a show? A question you want answered? Some feedback to help us iterate and improve? We’d love to hear from you.

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Fournir de la valeur plus rapidement

From Fortune 100 companies to the newest of start-ups, Scrum Inc. transforms companies into Agile enterprises. The market changes fast. We can build innovation into your process.
