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The following papers have been accepted for presentation at HICSS-44 and for publication in the IEEE Digital Library. They have been uploaded to the publication site and are print ready. About 40% of papers submitted were accepted and each paper was reviewed by at least seven reviewers. With this broad spectrum of excellent feedback the Minitrack Chairs followed the guidance of the HICSS Conference Committtee and the reviewers rigorously. Some good papers did not make the cutoff and should be resubmitted next year following the guidance of the reviewers.Presentations on preliminary versions of several of these papers were presented at Agile 2010. We strongly recommend that people submit papers to Agile 2011 and use this as a preliminary phase of formulating a paper for HICSS 2012. The Agile conference no longer publishes experience reports in the IEEE Digital Library so it is no longer a vehicle for putting papers into the historical record. It is however, a good medium  for feedback that can help get a peer reviewed paper accepted at HICSS.

Embracing or Constraining Change: An Exploration of Methodologies for Maintaining Software
Dana Edberg, University of Nevada, Reno; and Polina Ivanova, University of Nevada, Reno
An Educational Testbed for the Computational Analysis of Collaboration in Early Stages of Software Development Processes
Thomas Kowark, Hasso Plattner Institute; Jürgen Müller, Hasso Plattner Institute; Stephan Müller, Hasso Plattner Institute; and Alexander Zeier, Hasso Plattner Institute
Virtual Reality Meets Scrum: How a Senior Team Moved from Management to Leadership
Dina Friis, University of Copenhagen; Jens Ostergaard, Scrum Foundation; and Jeff Sutherland, Scrum Foundation (Agile 2010)
Hitting the Wall: What to Do When High Performing Scrum Teams Overwhelm Operations and Infrastructure
Jeff Sutherland, Scrum Foundation;and Robert Frohman, Pegasystems (Agile 2010)
Measuring the Impact of Scrum on Product Development at Adobe Systems
Peter Green, Adobe Systems
Supporting Scaling Agile with Portfolio Management: Case
Kristian Rautiainen, Aalto University School of ScienceTechnology;and Joachim von Schantz, Paf;and Jarno Vähäniitty, Aalto University School of Science and Technology
The Role of the Story Master: A Case Study of the Cognitive Load of Story Management Tasks
Aaron Read, University of Nebraska Omaha;and Nicholas Arreola, University of Nebraska Omaha;and Robert Briggs, University of Nebraska Omaha
HICSS-44 PAPERS FOR REVIEW - reviews due 14 Aug 2010
January 4-7, 2011
The Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa
Kaloa, Kauai, Hawaii
HICSS-44 offers a unique, highly interactive and professionally challenging environment that attendees find "very helpful -- lots of different perspectives and ideas as a result of discussion." HICSS sessions are comprised primarily of refereed paper presentations; the conference does not host vendor presentations. All papers are peer reviewed and accepted papers are published in the IEEE Digital Library.
Track: Software Technology
Minitrack: Agile Software Development: Lean, Distributed, and Scalable
Co-Chairs: Jeff Sutherland and Gabrielle Benefield
Agile software development processes have been influenced by best practices in Japanese industry, particularly by lean product development principles implemented at companies like Honda and Toyota, and knowledge management strategies developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka, now at the Hitotsubashi Business School in Japan, and Peter Senge at MIT.
This minitrack will focus on advancing the state of the art or presenting innovative ideas related to agile methods, individual practices and tools. Accepted papers will potentially enrich the body of knowledge and influence the framework of thought in the field by investigating Agile methods in a rigorous fashion.
The track is open to research papers on multiple aspects of agile methods, particularly those that bring best practices in knowledge management and lean development to scalable, distributed, and outsourced Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and other agile practices.
Papers of interest include these topics:
*Research on existing or new methodologies and approaches: informal modeling techniques and practices, adapting/trimming existing methods, and new product/project planning techniques.
*Research on existing or new techniques or practices: pairing, war-rooms, test-first design, paper-based prototyping, early acceptance test driven development, exploratory testing, refactoring, or others.
*Research on special topics or tools: configuration and resource management, testing, project steering, user involvement, design for agility, virtual teams or others.
*Research on integrating ideas from other fields, e.g. interaction design, requirements engineering, cognitive science, organizational psychology, usability testing, software security, into agile processes.
*Research studies of development teams using ethnographic or social research techniques.
*Research on agile software engineering economics.
*Quantitative and qualitative studies of agile methods, practices, and tools.
*Research on agile compliance and cost benefits within CMMI, ISO 9000, and FDA certified development projects.
Papers are particularly relevant when agile processes are shown to produce quantitative and qualitative benefits across multiple implementations.
Jeff Sutherland
Scrum Training Institute
Boston, MA USA
+1 617 606-3652
Gabrielle Benefield
Scrum Training Institute
London, UK