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All-At-Once Scrum: The Agile Enterprise

At the Agile 2005 conference in Denver, I presented a research paper on a multi-team, multi-product Scrum which has a daily Scrum-of-Scrums meetings and a weekly MetaScrum where all Sprints are started, stopped, or changed by a broad base of company stakeholders. Thus...

Microsoft Vista: Scrum or Not-Scrum

Peter Krantz rants on Scrum, Lies, and Red Tape at the Microsoft Vista project (see below). He’s in Stockholm and I’m on a SAS flight over Greenland returning from two weeks in Sweden and Denmark doing several ScrumMaster Certification Classes. While...

Scrum in the Gaming Industry

Game Development Enters the Scrum GameDAILY BIZ Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Clinton Keith, High Moon So many developers seem locked into traditional game making processes, but as game creation becomes more and more complex (and costly), alternative methodologies may be...

Scrum Evolution: What’s it all about?

Love it or hate it, the Agile 2005 Conference reviewers thought the paper below was either a major innovation or a gross violation of the principles (dogma) of Scrum. It’s motto is innovate or die and only the paranoid survive in the global economy. Does it show...