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Cultivating Continuous Transformation

Cultivating Continuous Transformation

Recently, I listened to a presentation by a CTO of a large software company. During the presentation, the CTO talked about a common misconception that the farmer grows food. The fact is, he pointed out, that food grows itself. Plants have the power and ability within...
Extreme Manufacturing Yellow Belt Class

Extreme Manufacturing Yellow Belt Class

Accelerate all of your company with Joe Justice, the creator of eXtreme Manufacturing. Together we will practice with attendees how to set up new teams, collaborate with remote teams, stay in sync across a wide portfolio of backlogs, and work as cross functional teams...

Do You Need a Transition Team?

We recently assessed a young Scrum implementation and our observations led to a lot of discussion around the office. We saw excited teams, a stable cadence of meetings, and leadership eager to support the implementation — in other words, a very promising start. Yet...
Release Planning

Release Planning

Release Planning The key question everyone wants answered in any project is “When will it be done?” From a business perspective knowing the best time to release a product is crucial to success. In Scrum, the Team strives to create a Potentially Shippable Product at...