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agile transformation

Agile Transformation ACCELERATE BUSINESS AGILITYThe business world is in the midst of dramatic change. It is now projected that 50-percent of the companies on the S&P 500 will be replaced in the next 10 years. Survival in today’s marketplace means companies must...
Agile Innovation: How to Scrum Ideation

Agile Innovation: How to Scrum Ideation

Agile Innovation: How to Scrum Ideation   I’m very interested in the growth and evolution of the Agile process, and its eventual mainstreaming into types of work beyond writing software. In particular, I’m very interested in the intersection of Agile and...
How Complexity Changes Leadership

How Complexity Changes Leadership

How Complexity Changes Leadership I just finished reading Retired General Stanley McChrystal’s outstanding book: Team of Teams. While the book is not specifically focused on Agile practices, it turns out that when US Troops are dying at the hands of a viral...