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Scrum in Sales

Scrum in Sales Scrum has it’s roots in software development, but it is often applied in other domains. Manufacturing, education, contracting, defense, even non-profit work. One area of early success in adopting Scrum has been sales.  Businesses that have...

“Scrum” Book Tour Events

Silicon Valley 10/7 Silicon Valley Agile Leadership Network presents: Disruptive Leadership: The Power of Scrum   Atlanta 10/13 VersionOne presents: An Agile Community Event with Jeff Sutherland, co-Creator of Scrum   London 10/21-22 BBC World Service...

The Scrum Team

The Scrum Team The Scrum Team is made up of the people who actually work on Product Backlog Items during a Sprint.The fundamental unit of Scrum is a small team of people, a Scrum Team. The Scrum Team consists of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers...

Distributed Scrum

Distributed Scrum Distributed Teams almost always deliver product slower, with more bugs, and higher costs. However, globalization makes working in different locations a reality, so in this online course we outline a number techniques that will minimize the costs....