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Just Getting Started with Scrum

Just Getting Started with Scrum

Just Getting Started with Scrum? This page is designed to help you get started with the fundamentals of Scrum. On it you will find the resources to discover what Scrum is, why it is used, how it works. For those of you looking to dive deeper into Scrum with advanced...
Outsourcing: Scrum Best Practices

Outsourcing: Scrum Best Practices

Outsourcing has long been a tool for reducing costs. Scrum changes the economics of outsourcing and helps build a strong business case for keeping development at home. If you can achieve an eighty-fold improvement in velocity with corresponding quality, why would you...
Nativity Scene: How Scrum was Born!

Nativity Scene: How Scrum was Born!

IROBOT’s Genghis Khan now in the Smithsonian I joined Easel Corporation in 1993 as VP of Object Technology after spending 4 years as President of Object Databases, a startup surrounded by the MIT campus in a building which housed some of the first successful AI...

Scrum Ripples: Bringing Scrum Beyond IT

As the 20th anniversary of Scrum approaches, I’m struck by how the idea has spread. Tens of thousands of people hold  Scrum credentials . Thousands of companies across the globe use Scrum.  The US Department of Defense has a mandate to be Agile.  Gartner Group says...