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Perfecting Scrum Basics

Find clear definitions and the original thinking behind the core Scrum Framework.


One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity. Visit the full course page.

How To Launch a Scrum Team

Join us as we share how we help clients launch teams. We share our step-by-step backlog for launching new teams or reinvigorating old. Three different perspectives from three Scrum Inc. coaches on what to do, what the common impediments are, how to avoid the worst and conquer the inevitable. Visit the full course page.

All Topics on Scrum Basics

Do You Need a Transition Team?

We recently assessed a young Scrum implementation and our observations led to a lot of discussion around the office. We saw excited teams, a stable cadence of meetings, and leadership eager to support the implementation — in other words, a very promising start. Yet...

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“Scrum” Book Tour Events

Silicon Valley 10/7 Silicon Valley Agile Leadership Network presents: Disruptive Leadership: The Power of Scrum   Atlanta 10/13 VersionOne presents: An Agile Community Event with Jeff Sutherland, co-Creator of Scrum   London 10/21-22 BBC World Service -...

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Book Launch – Silicon Valley, Atlanta, Paris, London

In October I began a month's worth of events in the U.S. and Europe this week promoting my new book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. The first event was a Reddit IAMA. One question I liked: jf200399:  Hi Jeff, we know about the mechanics and...

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The Origins of the Daily Scrum

Jeff's new book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time is coming out on September 30, 2014. I thought I'd share an excerpt from it on how the Daily Scrum came to be. Pre-order the book from Amazon, BN, iTunes, or Indiebound. With the first Scrum team...

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Jeff at EMC

Last week, Jeff visited the storage giant EMC, a long time Scrum Inc. friend. He delivered the third iteration of his TedX Talk. The talk is a synopsis of the divergent experiences that helped Jeff create the first Scrum team at Easel in 1993 and is based on his new...

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Scrum the Book out in the UK

The book hit the shelves in the UK this week. The North American version is out on September 30th. You can pre-order the book now and get a sneak-peak at the first chapter which tells the story of the FBI's Sentinel project. The FBI, in trying to move their computer...

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Definition of Done

Definition of Done The moment a Product Backlog item meets the Definition of Done, an Increment is born. The Definition of Done (DoD) represents the organization's formal definition of quality for all Product Backlog Items (PBIs). If an organization does not have one,...

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Scaling Scrum – What People Are Not Talking About!

Dean Leffingwell and I with a copy of my new bookat the VersionOne event at Agile2014     There was a lot of talk about scaling Scrum at Agile 2014. Here's a photo of Dean Leffingwell, creator of the Scaling Agile Framework aka SAFe, and me. People have...

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Agile 2014: Scaling Frameworks and Scrum the Book

Scrum Inc. had a busy week at Agile2104. Our COO Alex Brown kicked things off mid-week with a comprehensive talk on how leadership works in an Agile context. Shortly after his presentation, Jeff Sutherland launched his new book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work...

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Scrum Inc @ Agile2014

Catch Jeff and Alex at Agile2014 as they present our thoughts on Scrum at Scale and Leveraging Business Value in your backlog. Jeff will also be signing a limited number of advance copies of his new book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Meet us...

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Scrum Inc.’s Scrum at Scale™ Framework

Scrum Inc.'s Alex Brown and Jeff Sutherland present an object-oriented model for scaling Scrum across the entire business enterprise. The modular approach enables the overall framework to function using different...

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Scrum at Scale™: Part 1

Scrum at Scale™: Part 1 Scrum at Scale Part 1 introduces an object-oriented model for scaling Scrum across the business. The modular approach allows for the overall system to work together even if individual modules aren't agile. This allows the framework to support...

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Agile Means Get Rid of Test Teams!

Microsoft got agile years ago in tools development. You can read about that in Agile Software Development with Visual Studio where they describe how 3000 developers cut their bugs from 30,000 down to 3,000. They now deliver a new release of all development tools every...

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Points vs Hours

Points vs. Hours Estimation is a fundamental building block in Scrum. Without it Product Owners and Scrum Masters will struggle with securing a release date and showing velocity improvement. When adopting Scrum the tendency is to continue approximating in time….

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Scrum for Hardware

Scrum for Hardware Scrum inventor Jeff Sutherland and WikiSpeed founder Joe Justice discuss eXtreme Manufacturing and how you can implement test-driven hardware development using the Scrum framework. Learn how WIKISPEED invented a new manufacturing process that can...

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Retropectives One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that, the Scrum Guide does not offer much insight into how to run a successful…

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Definition of Ready

Having a Definition of Ready means that stories must be immediately actionable. The Team must be able to determine what needs to be done and the amount of work required to complete the User Story or PBI.

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Calculating Business Value

Calculating Business Value Calculating business value and using that insight to prioritize the Product Backlog is one of the most important things an Product Owner can do to drive profits and achieve a competitive advantage using Scrum. Estimated time for this course:…

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The Scrum Team

The Scrum Team The Scrum Team is made up of the people who actually work on Product Backlog Items during a Sprint.The fundamental unit of Scrum is a small team of people, a Scrum Team. The Scrum Team consists of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers...

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Scrum Master

Scrum Master The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team's effectiveness. They are tasked with making sure everyone understands Scrum theory and practice. The Scrum Master serves the team by: Coaching the Developers (anybody working on the sprint increment),...

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Product Backlog Item (PBI)

Product Backlog Items (PBI) Product Backlog Items (PBIs) are the elements that make up the Product Backlog. Estimated time for this course: 5 minutesAudience: BeginnersSuggested Prerequisites: Scrum Framework Upon Completion you will: Know what kinds of items can be...

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Product Owner

Product Owner The Product Owner is the Team member who knows what the customer wants and the relative business value of those wants. He or she can then translate the customer's wants and values back to the Scrum team. Estimated time for this course: 10...

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