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Perfecting Scrum Basics

Find clear definitions and the original thinking behind the core Scrum Framework.


One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity. Visit the full course page.

How To Launch a Scrum Team

Join us as we share how we help clients launch teams. We share our step-by-step backlog for launching new teams or reinvigorating old. Three different perspectives from three Scrum Inc. coaches on what to do, what the common impediments are, how to avoid the worst and conquer the inevitable. Visit the full course page.

All Topics on Scrum Basics

Product Backlog

Product Backlog The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of everything that might be included in a product. The Product Owner creates, maintains, and regularly re-orders the Product Backlog to align with the Product Goal. The Product Owner uses the Product Backlog to...

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An Early Look at the New Scrum Book

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time doesn't come out until September 30th but you can read an exclusive excerpt now. Pre-order the book,  go to the book page and enter your order number then we will send you an advance chapter as an ebook....

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The Sprint

The Sprint Sprints are the heartbeat of Scrum, where ideas get turned into value. They are fixed length events of one month or less designed to create a consistent delivery and feedback cadence for the team. All the work and events necessary to achieve the Sprint Goal...

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Release Planning

Release Planning The key question everyone wants answered in any project is “When will it be done?” From a business perspective knowing the best time to release a product is crucial to success. In Scrum, the Team strives to create a Potentially Shippable Product at…

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Distributed Scrum

Distributed Scrum Distributed Teams almost always deliver product slower, with more bugs, and higher costs. However, globalization makes working in different locations a reality, so in this online course we outline a number techniques that will minimize the costs….

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Visualizing Customers

Visualizing your customers is the first step in making your best customers the top priority. A well-executed Scrum can help your Team build products and services that delight quickly. But how do you know who your customers really are and what they want from your...

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Agile Architecture

Agile Architecture A key practice in Scrum is to deliver small slices of functionality each Sprint. These slices need to encompass every layer of a system, from what the customer sees to the darkest corners of the backend. This even includes the architecture itself….

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Agile Contracts

Agile Contracts As Scrum and Agile practices become mainstream and fundamentally change the way companies work internally, it is only natural that the way companies work with each other will also change. Unfortunately, many procurement departments are ill equipped to…

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Scrum Pitfalls Part I

Scrum Pitfalls Part I The iterative nature of Scrum is a risk management mechanism that, even when poorly implemented, usually results in at least a 30% improvement in productivity. The rules of Scrum are simple and straightforward, and the underlying principles are...

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Leadership Dashboard

Leadership Dashboard How can Agile leaders use Scrum’s ability to make work visible to support informed business decisions and efficiently coordinate teams toward a focused goal? The key is getting the right information at the right time with Scrum…

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The Future of Work

Scrum has reached a tipping point. It has become clear it is the future of work. The dramatic productivity gains are just too great and companies large and small are turning to Scrum either to innovate, or to keep up with their competitors who do. So how can you take...

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Scrum and Management

Why Management Needs Scrum The question is always the same: “How do I deliver the best product for the lowest cost and the highest profit?” Scrum has repeatedly answered this question, but often management still has a hard time grasping the business case for…

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Key Books on Innovation – Updating My Library

Before starting Scrum in 1993, I was involved in multiple technology companies, as well as a non-profit in California led by successful founders of start-ups. We studied carefully several editions of Everett Rogers, "Diffusion of Innovations," and  I just...

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Recording the Audio Version of the New Book

The last page of Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time read for the audio version. It took three days of reading to get here: Pre order now! Available 9/30 from Crown Business. amazon | bn | itunes

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Agile Defense

Agile Contracts As Scrum and Agile practices become mainstream and fundamentally change the way companies work internally, it is only natural that the way companies work with each other will also change. Unfortunately, many procurement departments are ill equipped to…

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Sprint Burndown Chart

Sprint Burndown Chart The Sprint Burndown Chart makes the work of the Team visible. It is a graphic representation of the rate at which work is completed and how much work remains to be done. Estimated time for this course: 8 minutesAudience: BeginnerSuggested...

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Velocity Velocity is a measure of the amount of work a Team can tackle during a single Sprint and is the key metric in Scrum. Velocity is calculated at the end of the Sprint by totaling the Points for all fully completed User Stories. Estimated time for this course: 5...

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How Management Can Help Team Performance

Withdrawal of Team Autonomy During Concurrent Engineering Donald Gerwin School of Business and Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6, Linda Moffat School of Business and Department of Systems and Computer...

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Impediments An Impediment is anything that keeps the Team from getting work Done and that slows Velocity. Impediments come in many forms: a sick team member, a missing resource, lack of management support or even a cold team room. If it's blocking the team from doing...

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Jeff Sutherland’s TEDx Talk

Jeff Sutherland, Scrum Inc’s CEO and co-Creator of Scrum, gave a TEDx talk in Aix en Provence, France. The subject of the conference was disruptive leadership. Jeff”s talk is based on his upcoming book Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time published by Crown. Look for it in book stores in October. See all […]

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Latest News on DOD Goes Agile

Since I briefed the Coordinating Task Force at the Pentagon on how to report back to the Congress on progess, we've talked a lot about how the US Department of Defense (DoD) is going Agile. We've also shared some ideas on how to do it from SEI. Here is some real...

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Scrum Board

Scrum Board A Scrum Board is a tool that helps Teams make Sprint Backlog items visible. The board can take many physical and virtual forms but it performs the same function regardless of how it looks. The board is updated by the Team and shows all items that need to...

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Leadership Dashboards: Post 2

This is the second post in a series about creating effective leadership dashboards.  You can catch the first post in the series on the goals of an effective agile dashboard here. This post focuses on how to organize the creation of a great dashboard.  How the...

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