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Perfecting Scrum Basics

Find clear definitions and the original thinking behind the core Scrum Framework.


One of the core principles in Scrum is the idea of continuous improvement. Each Sprint the Team engages in an inspect-and-adapt cycle during the Retrospective meeting. Beyond that though, the Scrum Guide doesn’t offer much insight into how to run a successful Retrospective and how to use the meeting to improve production, quality, and velocity. Visit the full course page.

How To Launch a Scrum Team

Join us as we share how we help clients launch teams. We share our step-by-step backlog for launching new teams or reinvigorating old. Three different perspectives from three Scrum Inc. coaches on what to do, what the common impediments are, how to avoid the worst and conquer the inevitable. Visit the full course page.

All Topics on Scrum Basics

First Scrum Trainer Cohort

The First Cohort of Scrum Trainers Scrum Inc. is proud to announce the first cohort of 41 Scrum Trainers in our Agile Education Program. Representing both established and currently underserved markets, this first cohort immediately establishes a worldwide presence for...

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2019 Scrummer Reading List+

2019 Scrummer Reading List It’s that time of year again  - and our annual reading list is back with a twist. For 2019 we’re expanding the suggestions from the Scrum Inc. Team to include podcasts and even some TV shows. We’re hoping to add your suggestions to the list....

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The Spotify Model and Scrum@Scale

Scrum@Scale Trainer Henrik Kniberg discusses how he leveraged the Scrum at Scale Framework to transform the engineering culture at Spotify, achieve continuous delivery and disrupt the music streaming industry.

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Agilest Advice: Struggles and Vocabulary

Scrum has its own vocabulary. The list is not long, but it exists. This vocabulary, if used correctly, can increase both communication speed and efficiency. But Scrum specific words can also hinder communication between Scrum Teams and non-Scrum teams. Here is one way to solve that problem.

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Why Less Communication is Better!

Why Less Communication is Better!by Jeff Sutherland | April 12, 2019 | Blog“People were saying that groups needed to communicate more. Jeff (Bezos) got up and said, ‘No, communication is terrible!’” Alan Deutschman, 1 Aug 2014, Fast CompanyYes, you read...

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Scrum Inc. Japan – A New Hope

On March 8, 2019, in Tokyo Japan, I attended the press conference for the formation of Scrum Inc.’s new joint venture, Scrum Inc. Japan. Scrum Inc. is partnering with KDDI, Japan’s second largest telecom, and Eiwa Systems Management (ESM). This joint venture is out to change the way of work in Japan[…]

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Agile Retail: Using Scrum to out Amazon, Amazon

Agile Retail: Using Scrum to out Amazon, Amazon by Joe Justice The dominance of online retailers like Amazon, Jet and, Zappos, has disrupted traditional brick and mortar retail companies far and wide. Payless, Gymboree and Victoria's Secret are just some of the...

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Better Scrum Through Essential Cards

Over the years, I have heard from many teams the need for a tool that helps accelerate the learning and the application of Scrum. Scrum Essential Cards, capture the key ideas behind Scrum, providing an easy and handy reference guide. I worked with Ivar Jacobson...

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A Roadmap for Scrum@Scale

Agile Boston's 10th annual Give Thanks for Scrum event had a full house at Microsoft's training facility in Burlington, MA on 20 November. I delivered a keynote titled "The Holy Grail of Project Management: Linear Scalability." In my talk, I  laid out the roadmap for...

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Team Working Agreement Canvas

At Scrum Inc., we employ a workshop for launching many teams at once. As I contemplated how to improve this workshop, I began seeing a lot of different ways that the Lean Canvas layout was being employed for different purposes. I wondered if I could do the same for a team launch. The end result is our Team Working Agreement Canvas.

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Why You Should Hire Your Own Scrum Masters

True business agility is no longer something that’s nice for an organization to have. It’s a core competency that will separate you from your competitors. Yet outsourcing Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches is still a tactic being used by companies large and small. In our experience, clients only become hyperproductive when their internal Scrum Masters are effective “team-level” Agile coaches and leaders. Here’s how to make that happen.

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Framing Impediments – Empowering Teams and Helping Leadership Listen

I have been in a few organizations where leaders say, “we aren’t getting any impediments.” Why would teams raise issues but the leaders don’t think it is really a problem? We have come up with four questions to frame these impediments that allow for the teams to choose their own destiny, become more empowered while removing leadership as a bottleneck.

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Scrum: Get Your Requirements Straight Before Coding

Much of the early history of Scrum was written on Jeff Sutherland's Scrum Blog almost 20 years ago. This may still be accessible at but needs to be brought forward to so history is not lost. Today, many practitioners have no...

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The 3-5-3 of Scrum

The 3-5-3 structure of Scrum provides us with much more than a basic framework. Understanding the 3 roles, 5 events, and 3 outputs of Scrum also gives you a method to check if Scrum teams are implementing the same practices observed in high performing teams.

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2018 Scrummer Reading List

2018 Scrummer Reading List Our annual tribute to beach reads is back. We asked our team what books they are reading this summer and they responded with some great suggestions; a combination of fiction, non-fiction, business books and academic papers that make for...

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How to Measure Happiness Across a Large Group

An aerospace parts client recently emailed me asking how best to poll happiness across a group of hundreds of employees. Since this is a question we get frequently, I thought it would be a great idea to share the answer with all of you. Here is what I’ve learned about measuring team happiness […]

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