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Breaking news: Vodafone board wins Atlassian Ultimate Wallboard contest ...

The Vodafone team in Copenhagen has a Scrum Board with RFID technology that knows when a card moves and updates data in their Jira tracking system. A video camera is always watching the board. This video is an entire sprint running in fast forward.

There are projectors showing the burndown and how much of the sprint backlog is in each state. This is driven by Jira and the projectors are on 100% of the time. Using Google voice, the board is also wired to talk to the team to point out or remind them of critical issues. The board will verbally complain if someone updates Jira and tell the team to move the cards to the right columns.

Software is written in Python by the ScrumMaster, Ole Hojris KristensenDefinitely the world's most awesome Scrum board! Click here to see Ole demo the board.
