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Welcome to ScrumLab Open

ScrumLab Open is a free resource that explains the basic framework, roles and key patterns of Scrum. It includes clear definitions, insightful videos from the inventor of Scrum, as well as, published papers on Scrum Practices. ScrumLab open is perfect for the Scrum curious, the Scrum beginner or the advanced practitioner looking to refresh on the fundamentals.

We also offer a more in-depth online course: Scrum Startup for Teams.

You can also improve your Scrum by attending one of our Scrum Master or Scrum Product Owner classes. Advanced practitioners may be interested in reading Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum Papers, taking our Scrum@Scale training, or visiting the official Scrum@Scale site to download the latest Scrum@Scale Guide.

All ScrumLab Open Videos

All ScrumLab Open Topics

Scrum Inc Sprint 2 Retrospective: The Happiness Metric

Happiness Metric Process Improvement Priorities - ScrumInc 15 Dec 2010 Scrum, Inc. was a small company hosted by OpenView Venture Partners in Boston from 2006-2010. As a two person Scrum using Pivotal Tracker as a Scrum tool, I was a remote Product Owner traveling 2-3...

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OpenView Venture Partners Video Lab: Backbone of Scrum

The Structural Backbone of Scrum According to its Founder Dec 23, 2010 by Corey O'Loughlin Jeff details the history of scrum, starting with structure When the idea of Scrum was just a notion in Dr. Jeff Sutherland’s brain, the agile devel­op­ment method’s cre­ator...

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Give Thanks for Scrum Day – 24 Nov 2010

Dan Mezick organized the Second Annual Give Thanks for Scrum Day on 24 November at Microsoft in Waltham, MA. Ken Schwaber and I gave presentations and did a panel. A good time was had by all! Aggressive Scrum - What Happens When You Actually Remove Your Impediments?...

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ScrumDay Berlin: A Practical Guide to Great Scrum

On 17 November 2010, the keynote presentation at ScrumDay in Berlin was on how to systematically create hyperproductive teams. Slides are available at the link below. Available also is the Systematic Ready Ready Checklist for Product Backlog discussed during the...

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Cost of Defects in Requirements

     Tom Gilb, Jeff Sutherland, Kai Gilb Requirement defects cause rework. Every defect is a bug that causes extra work. So it is important to check your requirements for defects. Tom Gilb has an agile one hour workshop that will take a random page of your...

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8 Lessons Learned from the first Scrum team

Joe Kinsella, one of the developers on the first Scrum team, does a retrospective on his experience. A few years back I received a call from Stephen Denning, an Australian author best known for his books on organizational storytelling. Stephen wanted to talk with me...

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Henrik Kniberg on Time Reports

How we got rid of time reports A story about waste elimination Have you ever dealt with time reports? Filled them in? Approved them? Shuffled them around?Did it feel like well spent time? Can you imagine a world without time reports?

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Agile Manifesto Translation Project

I worked with Henrik Kniberg in Stockholm this week and heard the latest about the Agile Manifesto translation project. A simple idea is having some far reaching effects. See Agile Manifesto Translation - program report Henrik Kniberg - Agile...

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Scrumming on the iPhone

I've been working with a lot of developers using Scrum to build iPhone apps lately. Not sure if they used Scrum to build the music app in the video below, but JJ Sutherland thought it was cool enough to do a piece on it at National Public Radio. Sometimes Somethings...

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Scrum in Sales?

Working with OpenView Venture Partners, I've seen Scrum implemented everywhere in 100% of the venture group and some of our portfolio companies. Now I'm seeing other companies doing the same thing. In the past month I have seen people aggressively implementing Scrum...

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OpenView Venture Partners Opens Their Kimono

OpenView Labs supports expansion stage startup companies with a strong offering of expert support to portfolio companies. They have decided to open up their experience and expertise to all who are interested after working with agile practices and implementing Scrum in...

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HICSS 2011 Agile Papers Accepted

The following papers have been accepted for presentation at HICSS-44 and for publication in the IEEE Digital Library. They have been uploaded to the publication site and are print ready. About 40% of papers submitted were accepted and each paper was reviewed by at...

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Nokia Test: Latest Version

The "Nokia Test" for Scrum teams was developed orginally by Bas Vodde at Nokia Siemens Networks in Finland. It has been updated several times and appears in it latest incarnation in Jeff Sutherland's Scrum Certification classes where he demonstrates that attending the...

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Haegwan Kim interviews Jeff Sutherland

Law of Success 2.0 To Make The World A Better Place Where All Human Beings Can Achieve Success For first part of the interview click here ... Conclusion: HK: Time moves on, so I want to have few questions about success. What is the definition of your success as an...

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