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Ade Shokoya of has written a good book on Waterfall to Agile. The added value starts in the preface:As you know, the global economy is very volatile at the moment, and things aren't looking like they will get better any time soon. Across Europe and America unemployment is at an all-time high, and the predictions are that more people will lose their jobs over the coming years. However, as more and more organizations transition from Waterfall to Agile, those individuals with the knowledge and experience that will enable organizations to maximize the benefits they get from Agile practices (e.g. reduced development costs, quicker returns on investment, improved quality, and a greater competitive advantage) are the ones who will benefit from greater job security (at a time when people are struggling to hold onlto their jobs), get promoted quicker (at a time when people are being made redundant), and get paid more (at a time when wages are going down and people are struggling financially).

There are 451,176 Scrum job openings in the United States this morning and these new jobs are increasing at a rate of about 10,000 per month. After reading Waterfall to Agile, you might take a look at the Power of Scrum, attend a Scrum Master training, and start interviewing for an agile position. Many people have told me it has changed their lives dramatically for the better.
